When It’s Divine to Mourn

When It’s Divine to Mourn

  {Originally posted October 2, 2014} If you ran into me in town lately and I told you I was fine, I was sort of lying. Please don’t take it personally; I was lying to myself too. I see now that I’ve been in a bit of a funk. As usual, I didn’t...
Waiting for Olivia

Waiting for Olivia

It must be recess time across the orchards at Maple Elementary, ‘cuz right now, waiting for you, Olivia, sounds a lot like a mingle of children’s hoops and hollers floating through the window screen. I’m in your parents’ master bedroom...
Until Spring Comes Around

Until Spring Comes Around

[typography font=”Shadows Into Light Two” size=”20″ size_format=”px” color=”#8db09e”]{First posted a number of Octobers ago, this piece expresses my wonder and gratitude for the simple things Garth does that make me feel...