This Is the Stuff of Rainbows

This Is the Stuff of Rainbows

Updated 4/14/2021 Around this time of year I hear myself and others lament, “It’s spring! What’s with these freezing temps (or rain or snow.. or all three)?” As if we’re meant to go right from winter to summer, to suddenly arrive under Eden’s blue sky on March...
Until Spring Comes Around

Until Spring Comes Around

[typography font=”Shadows Into Light Two” size=”20″ size_format=”px” color=”#8db09e”]{First posted a number of Octobers ago, this piece expresses my wonder and gratitude for the simple things Garth does that make me feel...

What’s God Alluding To?

  Clouds conceal the mountaintops today. Thick and gray. Foreboding even. But I have a hunch something is happening behind the clouds, beyond what my eyes can see. There’ve been clues: the temperature plummeted yesterday, and it is autumn, after all. So I’m...