When Life Hands You Letdowns

When Life Hands You Letdowns

Today’s the day I’ve been dreading. But I’ll put on my brave face and wield my trusty kitchen scissors and march down the front steps and over to where the bay window juts out from the house like defiant hope, and I’ll do it. I’ll clip off all those browning,...
A Very Good Place to Start

A Very Good Place to Start

Or, How to Write a Letter to Your Future Self As the calendar pages flutter forward under the relentless winds of time, how can I be sure I’m becoming who I’m meant to be? Whenever a freshly minted year is about to start, I feel the need to have some...
This Is the Stuff of Rainbows

This Is the Stuff of Rainbows

Updated 4/14/2021 Around this time of year I hear myself and others lament, “It’s spring! What’s with these freezing temps (or rain or snow.. or all three)?” As if we’re meant to go right from winter to summer, to suddenly arrive under Eden’s blue sky on March...